Character Concept: Elf Archer

pin up eld archer5I decided to have a break from studying today and go all pro and draw a complete character. So far so good. Let’s see what would happen when I bath it in color…


elf archer1

So here’s how I start… Well, not exactly the very beginning. I really start with sketching the posture as a stick figure and I mark the basic masses of the body: head, torso and pelvis.

Then I draw the skeleton over, mark the joints and start drawing the curves of the body by laying out the muscles and skin and slowly erasing the stick figure base and the skeleton.


pin up eld archer2

Then comes the final outline of the figure.


pin up eld archer3

… And some clothes. This took the most of my time: I’m really not good with costume design (yet, he-he).


pin up eld archer4

And finally, here’s some back light and her final outfit. Tomorrow comes color and probably some changes of light and clothes.


Over and out,


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